Molinos Library

Los Molinos, Spain | 2023
[DIIR Study]

The new Los Molinos library is part of an ambitious project framed in a public competition won by DIIR studio in 2018. The main desire of the project lies in adapting the entire complex - an old school group - to the needs of the present.

In this way, what was previously designed to host a specific program completely changes its use. Thus, the playground becomes a public square, the classrooms become a cultural center or, as happens in this project, the former teachers' bedrooms become a municipal library.

When it comes to intervening, action is taken on the entire first floor with the aim of incorporating this space into the cultural activity of the building. A new communication core is designed whose semicircular shape is attached to the building in the center of the configuration.

Coinciding with the arrival area, a reception space is proposed that finishes the semicircle and builds its contour by means of a wooden bench. From this point, the user connects with a type of large hallway, which acts as a spine, and gives access to each of the rooms. This entire strip is covered with wooden paneling that gives presence and seems to highlight, to a greater extent, access to each of the programs.

The warmth of the wood on the vertical walls and the color provided by the red linoleum on certain floors contrasts with the neutrality of the rest of the tones. White covers the vast majority of walls and ceilings and gives prominence to the unique vaulted roof. Text description by the architects.

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Photography by:  Luis Díaz Díaz 
Area: 260 m²


Private Villa


González Luna Building