The Wadden Sea Centre

Denemark | 2017

[Dorte Mandrup]

The Wadden Sea Centre conveys the story of one of the world’s most unique and significant natural resorts that, among other things, ensures that 15 million migratory birds are able to forage on their flight be- tween North and South.

After eighteen months of intense work to convert and expand the original building, the new exhibition centre has now been finished and comprises of 2,800 square meters for exhibition and communication activities. Through large glass panels a number of the rooms are fully integrated with the outdoor exhibition area as well as with the surrounding landscape.

"From the very beginning we have chosen an integrated approach to the architecture and exhibition - for example, we have been conscious about the use of daylight throughout the exhibitions as well establishing contact with the surrounding landscape", Dorte Mandrup, founder and owner of Dorte Mandrup A/S says.

Local building culture

Mandrup emphasizes that it has been an important aspect of the project to understand and build on the local building tradition of four-winged thatched farmhouses. Through the extensive conversion the original three-winged exhibition building has been extended to four wings providing shelter in the open landscape.

The building, which was initiated in February 2017, is an interpretation of the local building tradition and the rural farmhouse typology significant in the area. The centre is erected with thatched roofs and facades, hereby underlining the tactile qualities and robustness that can be found in traditional crafts and materials of the region.

"The Wadden Sea Centre is located in an area where, back in the Viking Age, there were several Viking yards and just like the Viking yards the Wadden Sea Centre has been placed on a platform between sea and land. Therefore we have decided that the building should be sculptural and embedded in the environment so it appears as though it has emerged from the ground."

The building materials are largely local and absorb the salt in the Wadden Sea air as is historically the tradition for buildings in the region.

Source: /
Photography by: ADAM MØRK


Slip House


Yves Saint Laurent Museum