Mexico City, Mexico | 2022

CASTELAR 75 is a 15-level building designed with a brise soleil façade protecting the interiors from the solar incidence, reducing energy costs for cooling. This Ocean blue travertine façade system is an oblique abstraction of the inclined tree branches that fill the Lincoln Park in front, at Polanco Mexico City. In this way the cladding is not only an abstraction of nature but also a sustainable device to create an efficient building, highlighted by the changing sunlight throughout the days and seasons.

CASTELAR 75 allocates on ground floor a new public space with a water pond, sculpture and bench, as well as the main lobby and a bank. Four parking levels are placed above with two underground, providing parking to both tenants and public, respectively. Ten office levels are placed on top with the last two corresponding to Penthouse offices, with large terraces. Considering its prime location, all levels have stunning views to the city, from three sides of the building. The project has become a sophisticated and iconic building in Mexico by rethinking local and international corporate architecture as an expression of a new sustainable and aesthetically pleasing language. Text description by the architects.

Photography by: Fernando Donis + César Béjar +  Sergio Gutiérrez
Built Area: 18,314.46 m2


Garden Tower House


Michoacán 49