Interior Omar Dahabra Interior Omar Dahabra

House in Ancede

This house attests to the idea that architecture is a long, arduous and patient process. From the outset, it redefined for us the sense that architecture is expected to cross various scales, spanning from the design of a door handle to the modeling of its territory.

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Interior Omar Dahabra Interior Omar Dahabra

Park Life House

Park Life is a highly contextual extension in Williamstown North. This contemporary design responds to the principles of the ‘garden city’, integrating home, garden and streetscape. In doing so, it continues the vision for the area as laid out by the Housing Commission of Victoria in the 1940s.

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Interior Omar Dahabra Interior Omar Dahabra

House in Sayulita

The project is located in the town of Sayulita, in the state of Nayarit and has a plot with a privileged view, which was sought to be embraced in all the spaces of the house.

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Interior Omar Dahabra Interior Omar Dahabra

Housing Development Rötiboden

​The origin and vision for this comes from the landowner and her desire to create a lively and high-quality location. A place that is "animated" by beautiful architecture and benefits from its exceptional location with distant views, while at the same time the place should support and promote the advantages of living together.

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Interior Omar Dahabra Interior Omar Dahabra

Matski House

An advocate of cubic formula minimalism – is announcing a modern vision of fachwerk technology and traditional downshifting living. Free from fences, with 65% of panoramic glazing,no inside doors, this house is the manifest of exposed brave life on stage, which is fairly unique at this latitude.

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