​Nutrion Corporate Offices

Madrid, Spain | 2023
[Adam Bresnick + Javier Soldevilla]

The new offices for Nutrion Internacional, a global company dedicated to the animal feed industry, reflects the company’s values. The project combines the accumulated experience of the company with is current needs while anticipating future necessities. The large south-facing third floor space combines views to a major street with light form a courtyard and views north to an ample city block interior. The plan is articulated by served and servant spaces, with a careful geometry of curves to articulate the spaces and the desks themselves.​

Two open office spaces are created to foment a dynamic work environment, at the same time different sized meeting spaces are carefully added to combine the need for team work with the need for more formal meetings or video conferences in the different focus rooms. The semicircular ends of the open office desks, designed for the space, serve for informal meetings, and the inclusion of free spaces allows for teams to be re-grouped according to project needs and provide for future growth.

The two terraces, one to the street and the other to the interior of the city block, are integral to the design as spaces for more informal interaction, in this same way the cantina has built in benches and tables to serve for impromptu meetings. The use of different types of spaces foments a dynamic work environment and the interaction key to team building. Another critical aspect is the attention to acoustical comfort: acoustic drywall ceilings are combined with “clouds” and “lightning” made from wood shaving absorbent panels. The planar “clouds” define work areas, while the vertical “lightning” baffles compensate the exposed AC installation yet allow for the full height of the space to be visible. Glass partitions, doors, and wallpaper mark a datum at 215 cm, a base that defines individual spaces at the same time it foments diagonal views and interconnected spaces, and reduces costs of more expensive materials.

A pallet of colors that contrast with the corporate blue and grey logo helps to organize and articulate spaces. The more public spaces are paneled in oak and black slats, while the built-in desks and shelving surrounding the central courtyard are veneered in oak. The contrast with white in most spaces and with black furniture in the executive offices helps further modulate the spaces. ​Text description by the architects.

Source: www.adambresnick.com + www.javiersoldevilla.es
Photography by: Juan Baraja
Area: 440 m²


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