Interior Omar Dahabra Interior Omar Dahabra

A casa E A pedra

The project is built around the coexistence of a unified living space - which includes a mezzanine and takes advantage of the double height - and a "patio" marked by the imposing presence of the granite rock.

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Interior Omar Dahabra Interior Omar Dahabra

Atelier of a Film Director

As this house, the house of a film director - would regularly host 10 to 12 people, i.e. a small filming crew, it should be a creative basecamp in a cozy home format - a good feeling place for discussions, get-togethers, sharing ideas and presentations.

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Interior Omar Dahabra Interior Omar Dahabra

Bläsi residential and studio house

The standard apartment is characterized by a simple, open floor plan, which is fluidly modeled around the eccentrically placed core. In the form of an inner circulation, functionality is combined with a perceived generosity in a small space, and the limits of conventional spatial proportions are explored.

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